Creality Cloud - разнообразная, удобная, интересная платформа для 3D-печати "все-в-одном".
Облачное приложение Creality Cloud
CR-10S Pro-0
CR-10S Pro-1

CR-10S Pro

The CR-10S Pro builds upon the ease-of-entry design of the CR-10S and improves it in every way. With a new dual-geared extruder, auto-bed leveling, capricorn tubing, and upgraded mainboard, this printer takes the already astoundingly valued CR-10S to the next level of reliability and value. Whether you're a new user looking to learn 3D printing or a hobbyist that loves to tinker, modify, and upgrade, the CR-10S Pro is a lean and powerful FFF 3D printer that will be the perfect addition to a workshop of any size.

The CR-10S Pro builds upon the ease-of-entry design of the CR-10S and improves it in every way. With a new dual-geared extruder, auto-bed leveling, capricorn tubing, and upgraded mainboard, this printer takes the already astoundingly valued CR-10S to the next level of reliability and value. Whether you're a new user looking to learn 3D printing or a hobbyist that loves to tinker, modify, and upgrade, the CR-10S Pro is a lean and powerful FFF 3D printer that will be the perfect addition to a workshop of any size.

Integrated Structure

Auto leveling

Руководство по эксплуатации: CR-10S Pro

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