Creality Cloud - разнообразная, удобная, интересная платформа для 3D-печати "все-в-одном".
Облачное приложение Creality Cloud
Sermoon D3-0
Sermoon D3-1

Sermoon D3

The Sermoon D3 is the ideal 3D printer for industrial design applications. Whether you need to prototype, create jigs and fixtures, or verify designs, this printer has got you covered. It can even mass-produce small, oddly-shaped parts or products with ease. What sets the Sermoon D3 apart is its ability to deliver rapid, high-quality prints in a cost-effective manner, providing you with stable, reliable results every time.

The Sermoon D3 is the ideal 3D printer for industrial design applications. Whether you need to prototype, create jigs and fixtures, or verify designs, this printer has got you covered. It can even mass-produce small, oddly-shaped parts or products with ease. What sets the Sermoon D3 apart is its ability to deliver rapid, high-quality prints in a cost-effective manner, providing you with stable, reliable results every time.

Multi-printers Control

Up to 5x Printing Speed

Industrial Grade Printer

RRP: $2499

Руководство по эксплуатации: Sermoon D3

Со встроенным Wi-Fi. Дистанционное управление с помощью [Creality Cloud App функция Workbench]. .

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