Creality Cloud - Çeşitli, kullanışlı, ilgi çekici, hepsi bir arada 3D baskı platformu
Creality Bulut Uygulaması
3D Yazıcı Firmware'i
Laser Engraving Machine Firmware
Creality Bulut Terminal Firmware'i
BL Touch
BL Touch is an auto-leveling sensor for 3D Printers based on open-source that can precisely measure and adjust the tilt of bed surface in an easy way. It consists of a microcontroller, a solenoid switch, and a pushpin probe that comes into contact with the bed. Since it has a small and simple structure, BL Touch can be easily applied with a standard deviation in repeatability is around 0.005mm.
BL Touch is an auto-leveling sensor for 3D Printers based on open-source that can precisely measure and adjust the tilt of bed surface in an easy way. It consists of a microcontroller, a solenoid switch, and a pushpin probe that comes into contact with the bed. Since it has a small and simple structure, BL Touch can be easily applied with a standard deviation in repeatability is around 0.005mm.
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